Class Registration

Oil Painting with Glazes | April 1
04/01/2024 01:00 PM - 04/29/2024 03:30 PM ET


  • $170.00  -  SCAA Members
  • $195.00  -  Non-Members
Event Registration is closed.

Instructor: Judi Goudreau
Mondays | 5 weeks
April 1 - 29
1 - 3:30pm
Members $170
Non-Members $195

This class will explore a technique of creating depth and color with glazes over a black and white acrylic underpainting. Starting with an image of their own choosing the artist will paint a black and white gradient underpainting with acrylic paint on board or canvas. Then in consecutive classes they will build depth of color with many transparent glazes. Students will be required to bring their painting surface - board or canvas, and brushes, two small glass jars and a pencil. Glazing medium and oil paint will be provided by the instructor for a supply fee of $12 payable to Judi on the first day of class.

This is a fun exercise for the beginning student or seasoned painter. Find out what layers of transparent color can do towards the richness and vibrancy of your art!

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