Class Registration

Playing With Pointillism | April 11
04/11/2024 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM ET


  • $70.00  -  SCAA Members
  • $95.00  -  Non-Members
Event Registration is closed.

Instructor: Rachel Brask
Thursday, April 11
9:30am - 12pm
Members $70
Non-Members $95

What’s the point of painting with dots? Come and investigate a new way of seeing the world through how such small details create the bigger picture! This interactive class explores the brief background of the Neo-Impressionist movement of pointillism and its pioneering artists, and artist instructor Rachel Brask will share how she uses elements of pointillism in her own artwork. Participants will then create an acrylic painting inspired by the concepts of pointillism.

Materials fee: $15 all supplies included, payable via cash, Venmo, or check made out to Rachel Brask Studio.

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